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Price chopper raises more than $22,000 dollars to aid storm and flood victims

OVERLAND PARK, Kan. – Price Chopper, in partnership with FOX4 KC, has raised $22,204 to donate to the American Red Cross of Greater Kansas City to aid those affected by recent severe weather throughout Missouri.

Donations were collected at all greater Kansas City Price Choppers at the checkout registers. Shoppers raised $22,204 in only 16 days, May 24th through June 8th. Donations will aid families in the greater Kansas City region whose homes were lost or damaged due to recent storms, tornados and flooding.

“Our hearts go out to those affected by the storms,” said Casie Broker, Chief Marketing Officer, Price Chopper. “We are honored to partner with FOX 4 to help support the families who have lost their homes while they get back on their feet.”

All proceeds will go first to local citizens in need. If donations exceed local needs, they will be used to assist people affected by disasters through the Red Cross Disaster Relief.

Price Chopper presents donation check to American Red Cross with partners from Fox 4 KC.


Price Chopper’s 52 Kansas City stores are locally owned by the Ball, Cosentino, McKeever, and Queen families, all of whom live in Kansas City and oversee store operations on a daily basis. For 40 years, the owners and employees of Price Chopper have been committed to providing the highest quality products and top-of-the-line customer service to the thousands of customers they serve every day. For more information, please visit